A Real Journey - A Kiwi Ultimate Voyage
Chop, Chop, helicopters are landing here
Awaiting for thick fog to clear
At the far end of Lake Manapouri
The mountains so tall, so dark, so eerie.
We climb aboard the chopper and take to the sky,
Waft with the wind and float so high
But fog and cloud keep on swirling.
Phew, our adventures are unfurling.
I am gripping tight with knuckles white-
We are circling - mountains surround us, a scary sight.
At last a gap! The clouds have 'gone about' and
Magnificent Fiordland opens out!
We drop onto a barge, having come out of the sky.
Glacial inlets, island mounds like whales, we have passed by.
And there's our boat in all its glory -
The 'Milford Wanderer' comes into my story.
She has a flat bottom, the saloon runs right through.
Built in 1992, 110 ft long and masts of 2.
We are 32 adventurers and crew of 6
Intrepid adventurers, an eclectic mix.
In order for us to get ashore
That is what the ship's tender is for.
So always garbed in gumboots and waterproof gear
On our return we are hosed, the mud to clear.,
We saw goldmines, an old whaling station.
Our historian spoke with heartfelt passion
Of James Cook's 'Resolution' and 'Adventure' ships
As in 1772 he fought tidal rips.
We saw humpback whales, we caught blue cod,
Our gumboots stuck fast in the mud.
We kayaked, tramped and got wet through.
Saw seals, a sea lion, sunshine and penguins too.
As well as dolphins, sandflies, albatross,
Rocky beaches and slippery moss.
Pulled pots full of crayfish from the deep
For magnificent dinners, then all night sleep.
So if you are seeking an adventure true,
Take a Real journey, it's the right thing for you.
Brian and I so enjoyed our time with you and would like to especially thank Royden, Felix, Richard, Kate, John and Forrest, our Super Duper Crew.
Christine Forster - Discovery Expeditions guest, and author of this poem
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