Flying to Milford Sound takes about 35 minutes. By comparison, driving to Milford (from Queenstown) takes around four hours. If you opt to take a coach, you can add at least another hour on top of that making it a five hour journey, each way. If you’re not flash at maths, that’s ten hours in a car. Ten whole hours! Yes, it’s a stunning drive but if you’re short on time it’s a no-brainer! Book a flight.
Yes, that is a word. “Beautiful” and “breathtaking” are simply not strong enough to convey the grandeur of this magical place. There’s a reason why Milford Sound has become known as the unofficial eighth wonder of the world. Then of course there’s the bonus eye candy along the way.
Flying to Milford is made all the more special by the hidden treasures that can only be seen from above. Glacial lakes, hidden valleys and waterfalls are revealed from within the sprawling mountain ranges. Again, this can ONLY be seen from above! It’s not surprising that this is a UNESCO World Heritage area.
Cause who doesn’t look good in ear muffs?!
Whoever said that size doesn’t matter is flat out lying! When mountain ranges stretch literally as far as the eye can see, you can’t help but be left in complete and utter awe. The Fiordland National Park does size on a sheer and dramatic scale. Trust me, you’ll be left breathless.
Because getting there is half the fun. Too often the hype of the destination surpasses the experience of getting there. Not this time. Flying to Milford is a journey and experience in itself and one that will remain with you long after your feet hit the tarmac.
Do I even need to say anymore?! Un. Be. Lievable!!!
No traffic, no car parking, no worries.
And yes, that is a good thing.
There’s only one logical and semi valid answer to this question and it involves the dinero, the greenback, the shrapnel, the coin. A.k.a money. So I leave you with this… If you only ever take one scenic flight in your life this should be it. Flying to Milford is a once in a lifetime experience and if you have to eat two minute noodles for the next two weeks, it would still be worth it.
A self-described word nerd, Raegan has been writing stories since way back. She moonlights as a copywriter, loves a good G&T and can often be found lakeside with her brown wolf, Indy.
Check out her personal blog here.
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